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The Countdown is on: Workday Rising 2024

The Countdown is on: Workday Rising 2024
The Countdown is on: Workday Rising 2024

If you'll be in Vegas along with 16,000 other Workday Rising attendees this year, this blog post is for you. 

This event is not just a conference; it's a melting pot of innovation, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities. Whether you're a first-timer eager to make the most of the experience or a seasoned attendee looking to up your game, this guide has got you covered.

Choosing the Right Footwear

The first step to ensuring a productive and enjoyable Workday Rising experience is quite literally about your choice of footwear. With the vast expanse of the venue and a packed schedule, you'll be on your feet more than you might expect. Opt for shoes that marry comfort with style—think business casual sneakers or supportive flats that won't leave you wishing for a foot massage by midday.

Remember, the right shoes can make or break your conference experience, so choose wisely and break them in well before the event.

Stretch, Hydrate, Repeat

Taking care of yourself is crucial to maximizing your Workday Rising experience. Start each day with a simple stretching routine to wake up your muscles and prepare them for the day ahead.

Hydration is another key element of conference self-care. Bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day, and consider adding electrolyte packets to keep your energy levels up.

Navigating Sessions and the Expo Floor

With so much to see and do at Workday Rising, planning is essential. Before the event, review the agenda and highlight sessions that align with your goals. Don’t try to do everything. Instead, focus on what’s most important to you and your organization.

One can't-miss agenda item: Our session with Nissan on Wednesday afternoon, where you'll hear insights from one of the leaders at the forefront of Skills in Workday along with our Chief Solutions Officer!

When it comes to booth visits, prioritize your list and gather questions or topics of discussion beforehand. This will help you make the most of each interaction and ensure you leave with valuable insights and connections. Make sure to stop by Booth B4 (right near the McLaren activity) to say hi to the SkillSquad! 

Mastering Networking

Networking is a cornerstone of the Workday Rising experience. To make meaningful connections, be genuine in your interactions and express interest in others' experiences and challenges.

Prepare a quick elevator pitch about yourself and your organization to make introductions smoother. Don't forget to exchange business cards or connect on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going after the event.

Social Events and Parties

The social events and parties at Workday Rising offer a fantastic opportunity to unwind and network in a more relaxed setting. These gatherings are perfect for strengthening new connections and enjoying the community's camaraderie.

Remember to RSVP to any events you're interested in and consider attending with a colleague or two. It can make navigating the social scene less daunting and more fun.

Post-Event Action Plan

After the conference, take the time to follow up with the connections you've made. A quick email or LinkedIn message can help solidify the relationship and open doors for future collaboration. Also, review your notes from the sessions and booths, and identify key takeaways that you can implement or share with your team.

This ensures that the knowledge and inspiration you've gained from Workday Rising translate into tangible benefits for your organization.

Workday Rising 2024 is set to be an unforgettable event, filled with learning, networking, and growth opportunities. With the right preparation and mindset, you can unlock all the potential it has to offer. From choosing the right footwear to following up after the event, each step you take can lead to a more rewarding experience.

So gear up, get ready, and make Workday Rising 2024 your most productive and enjoyable conference yet.

To learn more about Skillcentrix at Rising, visit our Rising Excitement page: